Archaeology » Heritage sites» Nazca
southern coast


Year of Research
300 BC and AD 800

Nazca has the name of a system of valleys on the southern coast of Peru. It is the name of the region\'s largest existing town. It is also the name applied to the Nazca culture that flourished in the area between 300 BC and AD 800. They were responsible for the Nazca Lines and the ceremonial city of Cahuachi, they also constructed an impressive system of underground aqueducts that still function today.The town of Nazca has recently been dumping its trash on the pampa, destroying some of the Nazca lines in the process.Under President Alberto Kenya Fujimori rule, Nazca received money to turn the irrigation canals into tourist attractions. President Alejandro Toledo, whose partner is an anthropologist, stopped the aid.Nazca has been the location of a major Canadian gold mining operation. The people who were living on the land for the previous 2000 years did not have title to the land so they were displaced without legal problems. Since then there have been some attempts to legalize poor citizens ownership of their land and their fixed property, in response to Hernando de Soto research on the poor.